Get The Auto Insurance You Need, With The Coverage That Works For You.
All of the Insurance companies we represent provide a wide range of auto Insurance products at a fair price. Your price gets even better if you qualify for any of our available discounts. When applying for auto Insurance, you’re usually asked whether you want collision and/or comprehensive coverage, how high you want your deductible to be, what liability limits you want, and whether you want any types of optional coverage. We can help you understand what these terms mean and how much coverage is right for you.
Auto coverage can be tricky, let a Benz Associates Agent guide you through the right coverage for you. Auto insurance has numerous options such as Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Personal Injury, Collision and Comprehensive to name a few.
Motorcycle insurance has many similarities to auto insurance, but there are some differences to consider for your policy. It is important to have insurance in place that covers your motorcycle, yourself and your potential liability to others.
Before your next trip, make sure you have the right RV insurance policy for your needs. We offer affordable recreational vehicle insurance with great coverage to give you peace of mind so you can enjoy the open road and outdoors.
With a Boat Owners Insurance policy you can relax and enjoy your time away knowing that you’re insured. We offer many coverage options to keep you, your boat, and its passengers safe. We cover Sailboats, Sport, Fishing, Jet Skis, Cruisers, Yachts and more.