You have a lot to protect, even if you’re renting. Renters insurance protects your valuables and keeps you safe from personal liability concerns.
Renters insurance covers your belongings in case they are stolen or damaged. With renters insurance you can protect your furniture, clothes, electronics, appliances and more. Additionally, renters insurance covers injuries that happen at your place including legal fees if someone sues you. If your place is damage and you need to stay at a hotel, your renters insurance covers that too.
A common question is doesn’t my landlord have coverage for that? Know the difference between renters insurance and what your landlord’s insurance covers. Most likely your landlord’s insurance covers:
The structure including roof, ceiling, and walls if damaged from a storm
Pipe burst damages
Vandalism to the structure or lawn
If you are renting you need renters insurance. Get peace of mind and talk to a Benz Associate agent about the right renters insurance for you.
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